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Litchi cultivation gains ground in Pirojpur

In Pirojpur, a district in Bangladesh, litchi farming has seen significant growth over the past two decades, with many farmers transitioning from paddy to various seasonal fruits, including litchi. The Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) in Pirojpur has reported an increase in litchi cultivation, covering 55 hectares across three subdistricts. The initiative aims to leverage the district's fertile land for fruit cultivation, with deputy assistant agriculture officers providing regular field monitoring and maintenance advice.

Among the varieties cultivated, Mujaffarpuri and China-3 litchis have gained popularity. The fruit's high market demand ensures that farmers face no difficulties in selling their produce. Notably, litchi cultivation has become a primary source of income for many villages in the subdistrict, with yields increasing annually despite some challenges posed by unfavorable weather conditions, such as reduced fruit size due to lack of rain.

Success stories, like that of Hangsapati Mistry, highlight the economic potential of litchi farming. Starting with a small loan and borrowed funds, Mistry expanded his litchi and mango orchards to five acres, incorporating organic cultivation methods that attract traders from across the country. Despite recent challenges, such as intense heatwaves and reduced rainfall affecting fruit growth, the agriculture department remains optimistic about the future expansion of litchi orchards in Pirojpur, given the region's suitable soil and climate.

As the litchi harvest season progresses, farmers and traders are engaged in collecting, sorting, and packing the fruit, which is then distributed nationwide. The absence of chemical preservatives like formalin has boosted the fruit's market appeal.


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