Sector | Fruit (grapes)

Exceptional demand for Victoria and Black Magic grapes

California grape season may avoid another late start

SA exports of deciduous fruit in MY 2023/24 increased due to higher production

"The area planted with licensed grape varieties far exceeds that of traditional grapes in Peru"

“Heavy rains so far, have made exporting table grapes from Brazil unfeasable in this first semester”

Sicilian grapes - good start for Victoria and Black Magic

Agilent technologies partners with ICAR-NRCG in India

Chilean table grape production and exports expected to total 630,000 tons in MY 2023/24

Afghanistan explores new export markets for fresh produce

A shared South African industry-government vision makes for promising economics

Grape yield crisis in Tamil Nadu due to high temperatures

Table grape producers in South Africa and Namibia grow winning varieties

Chile wraps up shipments of newer varietal grapes

Apple utilized production in Oregon and Washington up 25 percent from 2022

Indian heatwave could have an impact on long term grape productivity

NASS releases numbers on New England berry, tree fruit and grape crop

Program acquisition in grape category

"The big challenge was for the consumer to get a clear picture of the scale of the work we are doing"

Moldova's agricultural exports continue to enjoy duty exemptions to the UK

Karmen field scales for grapes: a new season approaches

“Quality has been great and export demand has driven a firm price domestically"

U.S. utilized production for the 21 estimated noncitrus fruit crops totaled 16.2 million tons in 2023

"For Mexico's 2024 season our early red and white grapes are about 10 days earlier"

"We anticipate the first picking to occur between 7 and 10 days earlier than usual"

Peruvian fruit exporters are increasingly focusing their attention on China, often at the expense of Europe

South African scale technology finds foothold in European and Moroccan packhouses

Ugandan president calls for agricultural diversification

Grow grape vine from grapes with a banana at home

Approval for cherry, melon, and grape imports from Kyrgyzstan to China

“We’re able to hit an early grape window in Jalisco and extend the Sonora season”

Hong Kong pays the highest prices for Peruvian grapes

Pomegranate scarcity leaves markets wanting more

South Korea to lower tariffs on farm products, tackling inflation

Total grape export volume amounts to 181,396 tons up to April 15th

São Paulo Valley can help Brazil export large amounts of fruit annually

Growing a variety of crops key to survive El Niño effects for Peruvian exporter

Large volumes of Yunnan Shine Muscat grapes, leading to 50% decrease in price

Table grape breeder acts against Chinese infringement on TikTok

Europeans still not consuming minimum recommendation of 400 g/day of fresh produce

"Our share in the melon and watermelon market is set to grow significantly"

CFIA has updated labeling requirements for fresh grapes

Chile’s 2024 table grape harvest coming to an end

A new intensive orchard planted at "Palos" zone in Tajikistan

South Africa's table grape exports increased by 17% in 2023/24 season

Why are vegetarian meals on planes so bad?

Terrific grape season in Trawal

48% of Peruvian table grape exports have gone to the US

Mexican grape program doubles and exports expand into Asia and Oceania

A growing trend towards seedless varieties for table grapes in Italy

Agriculture Minister announces continuing support for Nova Scotia fruit growers affected by cold

'Irresistible Grapes' video surpasses 96m views

Massachusetts farmer not worried about cold weather just yet

Successful grape cultivation in India's Cumbum valley

Moldovan fruit producers are preparing intensively for a new season

"The Australian seedless grape production season faces significant challenges."

Debunking misinformation: the safety of grape consumption

Grape campaign at Sam's Club results in social responsibility engagement

Western Cape Agriculture budget brings hope

Challenges of the upcoming Egyptian table grape season

Brazil aims to increase fresh produce export volumes to world markets

Strong demand for Chilean grapes helps strengthen pricing

Alice Springs grape grower closes due to stringent standards and accreditation demands

Robinson Fresh grape sourcing update from Chile, Brazil, Peru, South Africa, and Mexico

End of season for grapes from Moldova: Record of exported quantity

Climate change may affect grape cultivation in Turkey

Spanish seedless grape producer, goes on sale for €400 million

Table grape breeder hosts open day in India

Egypt's agricultural export strategy focuses on farmer support

South African grapes hamstrung by logistical nightmares in ports

"We hope to get the first Spanish stone fruit by Easter"

"Business unusual at end of South Africa's bumper deciduous harvest and start of citrus season"

Planning for the future of table grapes

South African table grape harvest to end two weeks earlier than last year

GrapeHub Foundation pays its school fees

“There’s hope for Cape Town Port turnaround despite challenges”

California grape industry member honored with Lifetime Achievement Award

"The market in Europe for Indian grapes has crashed"

Four Italian growers forced to remove unlicensed proprietary table grape varieties

Tension on the grape market since the end of the European season

“It’s historic to be selling Chilean table grapes for $36/box in mid-March”

Peruvian table grape producers looking forward to 2024 season to recover

Pernambuco farm produces 8,000 tons of mangoes and grapes annually

Nashik's grape industry faces weather challenges

Georgia's February 2024 grapes, peaches, and more soared in price

Allog Group has an optimistic outlook on Brazilian fruit exports in 2024

“It’s very difficult to grow table grapes in Jalisco and that’s why no one else does it”

Chile projected to ship 35 million boxes of grapes to the U.S.

"An early start means Indian grape volumes will quickly decline from early April"

Later varieties of Chilean grapes on the way

Egypt gears up for DNA testing in grape exports

Vanguard International and Continental Fresh partner on branded table grape program