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Filipino onion supply deemed sufficient by farmers' association

A farmers' association in the Philippines has announced that the current local onion production is adequate to fulfill national demand, negating the necessity for imports. Samahang Industriya ng Agrikultura (SINAG) president, Rosendo So, highlighted that the harvest of white onions is projected to meet domestic requirements until the end of July, while the red onion supply is expected to last until nearly November. So emphasized that cold storage facilities are currently at capacity with onions, which are being gradually sold to maintain a steady supply in the market.

The Department of Agriculture (DA) is considering extending the import ban on onions, initiated in January, due to the surplus produced by an increased cultivation area, which expanded by 40 percent to approximately 10,217 hectares this year. The stable onion prices, as noted by Agriculture Secretary Francisco Tiu Laurel and supported by So, reflect the sufficiency of the current supply.


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