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Onion import challenges at Hili land port in Bangladesh

Onions imported through Dinajpur's Hili land port in Bangladesh faced a six-day sales halt due to a 40 percent duty imposed by India. "Thirty tons of onions were imported on May 14 through Hili after a five-month gap. However, due to a lack of desired prices and wholesalers, the onions have been left in the warehouse for six days," stated Ahmed Ali, a representative of the importing company.

Despite the lifting of an export ban by India, the anticipated withdrawal of duties did not materialize, affecting sales. The cost of onions brought to Bangladesh was Tk 62 per kg, while local onions at Hili Bazar were priced between Tk 60–65 per kg, with a noted better quality than the imported ones. The sudden halt of Indian onion exports on December 8 was aimed at controlling local market prices and ensuring adequate supply, with the ban expected to last until March 31, 2024. Bangladesh's annual onion demand ranges from 2.2 to 2.5 million tons.

[ Tk 100 = €0.85 ]


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