In Hawaiibari, known for its agricultural productivity, lemon cultivation has encountered significant obstacles due to changing climate conditions. The area's agriculture, particularly lemon production, has historically thrived due to its fertile soil and moderate climate. However, recent shifts in weather patterns, especially the lack of rainfall, have severely impacted farmers. The reliance on monsoon rains for irrigation has turned into a vulnerability, as erratic rainfall and prolonged dry periods lead to water scarcity, affecting the health of lemon orchards.
The drought has not only caused the loss of crops but also brought financial difficulties to the farmers. The necessity to find alternative irrigation solutions, such as bore wells or pumps, adds to the financial burden, pushing many into a cycle of debt. This situation highlights the need for sustainable agricultural practices and the importance of developing strategies to cope with climate variability. Investments in water conservation, modern irrigation systems, and the cultivation of climate-resilient crops are essential to address these challenges.