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Due to Russia-Ukraine and Palestine-Israel conflicts

Challenges for Alphonso mango export from Ratnagiri

The Alphonso mango, also known as Hapus, from Ratnagiri has faced numerous obstacles, including weather and pests. Despite these, it has maintained a presence in the market. However, the Russia-Ukraine and Palestine-Israel conflicts have now impeded its export journey. The wars have particularly disrupted sea transport, leading to a halt in further exports. According to the Agricultural Marketing Board, 986 tons of mangoes have been exported from Vashi, but exports have now ceased. This cessation has resulted in financial losses for growers and exporters alike.

Exports have been conducted from the Agricultural Marketing Board's Quarantine Facility in Vashi, Mumbai, with the US receiving the highest volume. Despite a good production year for Hapus, the export environment remains unfavorable. The mangoes, booked in advance, are processed and exported through the quarantine center. However, exports by sea have been severely affected due to control by Palestinian pirates, causing a loss of 25 sea export opportunities this year. Consequently, exports to Mauritius, Russia, and Malaysia are entirely halted, affecting both sea and air traffic.

The goal was to export 5,000 tons of mangoes this year, but only 986 tons have been achieved so far. The season, which lasts until June 30, might see an estimated 2,000 metric tons exported. Despite a successful fight against pest outbreaks and good mango production, the economic outcomes have been disappointing due to the impacts of the Russia-Ukraine and Palestine-Israel conflicts, leading to reduced prices and increased hardships for gardeners.


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