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Fresh Del Monte collaborates for release of Disney and Pixar’s “Inside Out 2” movie

Fresh Del Monte is collaborating with Disney and Pixar's highly anticipated movie 'Inside Out 2', set to hit cinemas in June 2024. In this promotion, beloved characters from the film will be featured on stickers on select Fresh Del Monte products, bringing joy and delight to families across Europe.

The Fresh Del Monte and Disney and Pixar's Inside Out 2 collaboration will be available in Europe starting in May 2024, just in time for families to enjoy the film together in cinemas. "Inside Out 2" continues the heartwarming story of Riley and her Emotions as they navigate the challenges of growing up. Fresh Del Monte is excited to show these characters in a whole new way, right in the heart of the produce aisle.

"We are delighted to collaborate with Disney and Pixar on this exciting venture. At Fresh Del Monte, we are committed to providing families with wholesome, nutritious products that bring joy to their everyday lives. By featuring characters from 'Inside Out 2' on our products but also on in-store materials and brand content, we hope to make healthy eating a fun and engaging experience for children and parents alike," said Thierry Montange, EA Marketing Director of Fresh Del Monte.

The collaboration will include a range of Fresh Del Monte products adorned with images of beloved characters such as Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and newcomers Anxiety and Ennui, that includes from fresh fruits to delicious snacks.

In addition to product packaging, the campaign will feature a comprehensive marketing strategy, including digital advertising, a social media campaign, in-store advertising, and a TV commercial. Through these channels, Fresh Del Monte will engage with audiences across multiple touchpoints, spreading joy and excitement for the upcoming film release.

To celebrate the launch of the movie and the collaboration, Fresh Del Monte is hosting an exciting contest where one lucky family will win a trip to London! The prize includes flights, accommodations, and activities inspired by "Inside Out 2" in the heart of London. Details on how to enter the contest will be available on Fresh Del Monte's website and social media channels.

For more information:
Fresh Del Monte

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