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Farmers in Rajshahi encouraged to produce export-quality mango

Agricultural experts in the Rajshahi region, encompassing the extensive Barind tract, have emphasized the importance of cultivating export-grade mangoes to enhance foreign currency earnings. During a daylong training event at the Binodpur mango orchard in Bagha Upazila, they highlighted the adoption of modern technologies to improve the harvesting and marketing of mangoes, ensuring safe and hygienic practices for increased exports. The training, organized by SMR Agro-tech Industry Limited and titled "Mango Collection, Segregation, Packaging, Transportation and Orchard Nursing," aimed at preparing mangoes for export through advanced agricultural practices.

Approximately 100 farmers, including 35 contract growers, participated in the event. Notable speakers included Roisul Alam Mondal, Chairman of Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank, and Nurul Islam, former director general of the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE), with Azharul Islam, Chairman of the agro-tech industry, presiding over the session. Discussions underscored the necessity of utilizing modern technologies in mango orchards to prevent pest attacks and enhance yield quality in the Rajshahi and Chapainawabganj districts.

The region, with around 30,00,000 mango trees across 32,816 hectares, is a significant contributor to the local economy, primarily through mango cultivation. The adoption of fruit bagging and reduced chemical usage were suggested as means to facilitate mango exports to various international markets. Azharul Islam noted the potential of exporting mangoes worth approximately Tk 200 crore from the region this season, highlighting the increasing acreage and yield of mangoes in recent years. Mangoes from Bagha and Charghat Upazilas have previously been exported to Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, with plans to continue exports this year.

Source: Business Post BDt

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