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West Australian avocados make their mark in India

Indian importers have received significant shipments of avocados from Western Australia, with a notable contribution from Delroy Orchards in the Southern Forests region. Over 320 tonnes of avocados, valued at over $1.6 million, have been exported, following the elimination of a 30 percent tariff due to the Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement. Delroy Orchards, currently utilizing a packing facility in Donnybrook, plans to expand operations to Waroona, anticipated to bolster local employment.

The demand for Western Australian avocados is on the rise in India, the Middle East, and Asia, supported by the State Government's efforts to promote the fruit. The avocado industry in Western Australia, the state's most valuable fruit sector, is expected to reach a production milestone of 65,000 tonnes in 2023-24. This growth is attributed to orchards in regions like Gingin, Carabooda, Busselton, Manjimup, and Pemberton reaching full production capacity within five years.

Local government officials and the Agriculture and Food Minister have expressed support for the industry's expansion and the role of exports in diversifying the state's economy and generating employment. The ongoing trade promotion in India, supported by the State Government, Avocados Australia, and the Federal Government, aims to further showcase Western Australian avocados.


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