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Wild vegetables gain popularity in China's spring cuisine

During spring, a variety of wild vegetables such as xiangchun, malantou, and jicai have become popular among Chinese consumers. These wild, edible plants, known as chuncai, are celebrated for marking the season. In China, these seasonal vegetables are prominently displayed in grocery markets, fetching prices that are significantly higher than regular vegetables.

According to a stall owner in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, despite the higher prices, these vegetables are sold out daily before 10 am. Alibaba's Freshippo has introduced nearly 20 types of these wild vegetables since the Spring Festival, witnessing a 40 percent increase in sales volume over the previous year, as noted by Li Wenjie, a vegetable buyer at Freshippo in Nanjing.

A report by the JD Research Institute for Consumption and Industrial Development highlighted that over 50 types of wild spring vegetables are available on e-commerce platforms, with the primary consumer base located in cities like Beijing and Shanghai, predominantly born between 1980 and 1999.


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